
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Big Changes.

I worked all last night, and literally all today up until about ten minutes ago trying to figure out how to change this blog! And I did it!!! I am so beyond excited. It's a big difference than how I really wanted it to look, but I guess it's a learning process, and I am fine with it for now. 

Designing a blog is a million times more extensive than designing a website. It's ridiculous! It has been an extremely long day of trial and error. Like extremely long!!!

I have made a good amount of changes to the entire thing. The first thing is the whole look of it. I hate to admit that I'm not a wicked fan of it, but I am satisfied for now. I need to take a bit of a break from tweaking it or else I might literally go insane. 

The next change is all the pages that have been added. I feel like I throw a lot of random stuff into each post, and they can be all over the place. This will help me categorize, and if you are following along, it will help you navigate around a bit easier. So technically, I would normally put this into the designing page, since it's all about the new design, but I figured I would give myself a day, and just explain to you what's going on. 

Next is my fun little button on the side. I think this step was the easiest for me to get a grasp on. I added the code, so you can grab it.

It took so long because literally everything you see on the page I made. On top of that, I couldn't get in touch with the girl who gave the workshop the other night to get the video of it. So I kind of went in and just changed everything from memory. Hence the trial and lots of error. Tomorrow night I have another workshop I am doing, that once again I am psyched about. I love learning geeky computer things I didn't know before. Also, I would absolutely love any comments or critiques on the new design!!!

Well, that is it for today. I have a wicked love hate relationship going on with my beautiful computer right now. So it's time for me to put it down and relax for the first time today! Before I go, I just wanted to add, I'm kind of psyched, if you Google Juggling & Jellies, some of my posts come up now! Kinda awesome! Goodnight blogland!

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