
Monday, February 14, 2011

Beautifully Designed.

What a whirlwind of a day. Racing from here to there, from appointment to appointment. It has been a loooong day. 

I am officially almost completely ready with everything I need to do before we go to Florida. I am also really excited because one of the little ladies surprises showed up today.  A girl that I met while stationed in Biloxi is beyond talented. Everyone now and then some new notification pops up on facebook with something she has made. My person favorite out of everything she does are her little tutu's. I just think they are absolutely adorable. So two weeks ago I messaged her and asked if there would be enough time to make them, and we just got them today. They are oh so cute.

The girl who made them is named Ashley. She only has a private facebook, so you would have to message her if you want one of this amazing little tutu dresses.

I never had the chance to design what I wanted to today, for Little Miss' birthday night. I am about to crash hard, trying to get everything ready and perfect before we go! I literally just sat down a little while ago to relax, for the first time all day! I'm hoping though since I worked so hard today, I wont have to tomorrow, but with my luck, it will be another exhausting day! Like I said, about to crash, so I am off. I really just wanted to share the ladies' new beautiful tutus! Goodnight blogland....

1 comment:

  1. How adorable are these dresses! I am Savannah's mom and I am awarding you the Stylish Bloggers Award. Read about it on my blog. It is awarded to any blog, and although mostly gardeners read my blog, I wanted to include you. Congrats!
