
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Codes & Monsters....

Once again, another day of sick kiddos and crappy weather! I promise though, no more talk of little girls toys. It's crazy how the weather here can go from 80 degrees to 20 degrees in only a week. It's really messing with my projects. 

Since I can't be painting in the house, and I don't want to move onto another project before this one is done, I figured I would work on more design. 

You name it, I can design it. My only issue with graphic design is coding. For those of you who may not know, every website you visit, is just a big code. Well, this is something that has always been fairly tricky to me. Working on this blog is different than a normal website though, it requires certain things in the code because it is comprised of a bunch of widgets. Right now the design of my blog is killing me. It's just a template I picked out for the background, and some tweaking on the actual blogger template page. If you look around there are some amazingly designed blogs out there. It's frustrating to me because I know what I want it to look like, and I am perfectly capable of designing it, but I have no idea how to transfer that design into a working blog. Let me emphasize here, it's VERY frustrating. Basically, I have just been sitting, searching, and reading, and reading, and reading. There are a good amount of people with other blogs that offer free tutorials on how to change certain aspects of the blog and to write the code. So basically, if the weather persists, and my babies continue to remain sick, I will just keep working on this. Hopefully, you will see some changes shortly in the future!

Anyway, since I can't share anything that I have been working on really, I want to share with you an artist that I absolutely love and am inspired by. Buff Monster! His work is fantabulous, fairly simplistic, all encompassing monsters and the color pink.  He started out by just posting up some of his posters on the street, and art he did on spray paint cans, and now he is in art galleries, painting wall murals, and creating vinyl toys! He is inspired by his love of music, monsters, cuteness, the color pink (which is in every piece he creates), and ice cream! 

Here is some of his work...

Here he is with one of his wall murals...

These are two of his vinyl toys. I am a total sucker for vinyl toys! You can purchase these awesome guys at Kidrobot. If you haven't checked out their site at all, you need to! I have their link on the side of my page. They have so many vinyl toys created by amazing artists! Personally, I want to buy them all!!!

Well, that is it for today. Once again I'm praying for my babies to get better. Life is chaos when they are both sick. I hope you have enjoyed some of this fantabulous eye candy. To me this guy is so inspiring. I mean how could you not love cute little monsters and ice cream. I know I certainly do!

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