
Friday, February 11, 2011

Design. Florida. Projects.

Right now there are a lot of things going on. I have been extremely busy with designing and learning more about the blog world, racing around making sure we have everything set for our Florida trip, places to go and appointments that need happen before Florida, and I have a few design projects I'm working on. 

First off, I have been staying up crazy late working on designs. I am so under slept right now it's crazy. I am wicked over psyched about our trip next week, but when I get on the 'design train' it's hard for me to get off. So unfortunately, I haven't done as much as I should have so far when it comes to packing, and getting everything ready.

Tonight I had another workshop, and it was awesome! I have learned so much this week it's ridiculous.

Next I have been working on some newspaper ads. I do all the graphic design for my parents doctors office. Every couple months they need a few new ads to put in the paper. It's crazy to see a portfolio of them, and how they have changed over the years. Here are a few recent ones I have designed...

I am also working on some sketches for a friends sons birthday invitations. I have a few great ideas floating around, but I need a bit more information from her before I can really get to working on them.

Also, there's a project I am working on, but it's a secret so I can't share. Sorry. I will definitely be able to post about it in a couple of weeks. Really excited though for the results. 

Lastly, I have some awesome project ideas floating around, but with everything going on this week, and next, I don't have a chance to really start anything. When we get back from our Florida vacation, it will really be time to buckle down and get working on them. I think I have some awesome ideas, that I am ready to get going on and share with you!

Well, that's it for tonight, I still have a good amount of work to do before bed! Jealous of all of those who are already curled up in bed! Until tomorrow....

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