
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Invitation Design.

So this one is going to be fairly quick because I am exhausted! This Florida trip is coming up really fast, and I have a lot to do before we leave.

For those of you who don't know we have managed to keep the fact that we are meeting up with family in Florida, and going to Disney and Universal Studios. I figured though, since we are ending up getting there on Little Miss' birthday we need party stuff. We have reservations at the T-REX Cafe in Downtown Disney. Which looks awesome by the way. She is going to freak out, but then again my man might just as much because of all the dinosaurs. 

I figured we could do something fun, so I am designing party hats, and invites. With the invites, I plan on giving them to all the family members who are coming before they see her. That way when they show up they can show her they were invited to her birthday! 

She is in love with Toy Story, her favorite color is green, and she loves dinosaurs. So she decided it would be fun to have a Rex (from Toy Story) party. Her auntie is going to be jealous. Haha.  I worked on the invites tonight, and tomorrow I will design the party hats. Here's the design for her invitations....

With every day that goes by, I am getting more and more excited. Now I am psyched to make it more birthday party-ish. That's it, today was gathering stuff to be packed, and starting on her birthday things. I cant wait to do the hats with her tomorrow. Goodnight blogland

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