
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bloody Baby....

I was really hoping I would have a chance to finish everything up on my wall project today. Most mommies know, sometimes as much as you want to do something, your kiddos take precedence and whatever you wanted has to be put on hold. I had started to work, and completed one more silhouette. I think I might end up adding a layer of Modge Podge on top to add some shine, it looks too flat to me.

After I finished my man woke up and wanted to hang out for an hour or so before he had to go in for the night shift. The little ladies were playing in our bathroom, because we have a magnetic dart board on the back of the door. They were playing so well, and having a great time. All of a sudden there was an ear piercing scream, one of those screams that makes your heart stop for a second, and your body just surges with adrenaline. My babies, like their awesome mother, are unfortunately very accident prone. Therefore, I know what screams indicate that something is really wrong. I ran into the bathroom to find my baby crying on the floor, when she looked up blood was pouring from her chin. Talk about deja vu! This just happened to my older little lady back in June. Once she calmed down, and we were able to take a look at it, we realized she definitely needed stitches, but just to confirm we texted some pictures to her doctor grampa, and it was instantly 'Yes, take her to the hospital, she needs stitches.'

So the adventure began! Like I said yesterday, today was supposed to be our 'lazy day', so we were all in jammies, definitely not ready to just run out of the door and go to the hospital. We got ready really fast though, and our friend said she would watch our big monster so she wouldn't have to wait around with us and she could play with her friend. Then it was off to the hospital. Let me tell you, it was one of the most ridiculous situations ever. I don't know what emergency rooms are like everywhere else, but I have been to a few and they were nothing like this. It took us an hour to see someone to register her. Finally, at this point she started to smile again, and she was very excited to get a bracelet with her name and birthday on it.

We sat in the waiting room for over four hours! I couldn't believe it. To make a two year old sit with gauze on her chin while bleeding almost the entire time for that long is absolutely crazy to me. I have never had to wait that long before to be seen. I'm glad I thought ahead and both my husband and I had our iphones charged, meaning we had hours of games and movies for her. She loves playing word games with her daddy.

Finally we were called back and talked to a nurse for a few minutes. She liked having a little bed to herself, and a tv to watch kid shows. My poor baby started to lose it a bit though, she kept saying she wanted to go home and got sick of sitting around.

I found a few things in my purse to preoccupy her for few minutes here and there. Then I found the magic key to keep her sitting for a little bit. GLOVES! She loves doctor gloves, but what little kid doesn't. 

Then she played for a little bit pretending that she was locked in a cage and she couldn't get out! Once again, something to preoccupy her for only a few more minutes. At least she was having fun playing, and not worrying about her chin. My man called this time 'the calm before the storm'! Which was so very true.

Finally, the doctor came in to check her out. This is where she started to get a little nervous, she didn't like him touching her chin at all. After he left the nurse started bringing in some stuff to do the stitches, including a big blue board. We had to read about it to figure out what it was. Basically it was a little kids straight jacket, and has the ability to pin down their entire body. This had me semi worried.

Once everything was set up the doctor came back in and it was time to get started. At that point I had convinced my little lady that the 'straight jacket' was like a little bed for kids that only she got to lay on. She was excited to get up on the bed and lay on it, until she realized her whole body was going to be pinned down. That's when she really started to get scared. Secretly though, I wouldn't mind having two of these things for bedtime, so they can't get out of bed at all. Haha!

I would have to say the whole experience was mildly traumatic! It was heartbreaking to see her pinned down, and a strong male nurse pinning her head and jaw. She was ok until the doctor stuck her with the lidocaine.  That's when the ear piercing screams started up again, only this time they didn't stop, and I couldn't sweep her up in my arms to cuddle and console her. I hate to see my babies in pain, who doesn't, and I wear my emotions on my sleeve big time, so I really wanted to just cry with her and hold her. One thing my mom taught me a long time ago, was I have to keep my cool, and not freak out, because that would make it so much harder for them. I felt like I was somewhat prepared since we already had to do the same thing with my big lady. Boy was I wrong. This is my little baby, I couldn't calm her down by talking her through it, and since she is so young they had to brace her whole head, so I couldn't sit by her face and reassure her it was ok. I tried my best, but it was horrible. After the first stitch the doctor had to stop and needed me to calm her down. Let me tell you, this kid is beyond ridiculously strong! I always used to joke that she was my little ox, but it's no joke. She was fighting off the nurse as best as she could and trying to rip herself out of the 'straight jacket'. After calming her down, we realized she was sweating like crazy from fighting, covered in tears, and beet red. She took a few deep breaths turned to me and said 'Mommy, please I go home now, I need my big sister.' Then she yawned and started to close her eyes. It broke my heart. She almost fell asleep, but the doctor was ready for the next stitch, and the screams started up again. It was horrible. I actually ended up having two little tears in the corner of each eye, but wiped them before she noticed. After talking to my husband about it, he even said it was heartbreaking and really hard for him to watch her like that. Finally she was done and we ripped that 'straight jacket' off her so fast. She was very ready to go home!!! She needed to take a picture first though so she could show her Gramma. Look at how red that poor babies face is!

When I looked at that picture I thought it was funny because this past summer I was taking the exact same kind of pictures.  I guess they just really wanted matching scars. My little lady has to do everything her big sister does, so here is her big sister this past summer.....

It was so nice to finally get out of there, and especially to get something to eat. Of course she NEEDED some ice cream to make her better. I couldn't wait to get home though because I had a really big surprise for my big lady!

Back when we had first got into the waiting room I realized I had a missed call. I don't have too many peoples numbers from this area, and they don't have mine, so I figured I would call and find out who it was. This man started asking about my daughter, which mildly creeped me out.....until I realized why he was calling, and how he knew about my baby girl. For the past week or so, the girls keep seeing ads on tv showing this big auto show coming to town, but the thing they freak out about is 'Freddie' from iCarly (which is her favorite show) is going to be there. The commercial says some people will be able to meet him and maybe take his picture. I checked online to figured out a little bit more about it. Turns out there was a form you could fill out to win a meet & greet. The winners get fifteen minutes in private with him, to take pictures, talk, and get his autograph. Well......turns out my baby won!!!! I was cracking up. We never win anything, and here she is winning the chance to talk to and take pictures with one of her favorite actors! I came home and couldn't wait to tell her. I had to take pictures and video tape her reaction. It was priceless. She kept jumping so much I could barely snap a picture. We will all be going to meet him on Saturday! So there you go, a small silver lining to a sad and kind of crappy day. Look at the crazed excitement in that face! 

The little ladies both just passed out watching Care Bears, so I think we will be having a sleep over in the living room tonight, because I am about to crash. So until tomorrow.....

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